
MTK Auth Bypass Tool是一款方便易用的手机刷机辅助软件。该软件操作简单,允许在不提供刷机验证文件(*.auth)的情况下对联发科的设备强行刷机,如果禁用安全启动过程不起作用,请使用强制 BROM 功能。老外写的,界面全英文,联发科Mtk方案手机通用(具体看下方的CPU支持列表),功能强大。适合有一定刷机基础或者专业刷机人员使用。

解包Oppo MTK芯片的OFP格式固件


  1. 安装好Mtk驱动

  2. 下载软件并解压缩,绿色版双击“MTKMETAUtility.exe”即可运行

  3. 点击按钮“Disable Auth”,软件会显示“Waiting for mtk usb device... ” 

  4. 将手机连接电脑,在手机关机(或者无限重启黑屏之时)同时按住“音量键+”、“音量键-”、“电源键”三个按键,能够听见如电脑插入U盘的声音即可松手,此时程序会自动开始将手机稳定在深刷模式,成功后会显示蓝色的“now you can use SP Flash Tool or any MTK Tool” 

  5. 剩下的就可以使用SP Flash Tool或者加密狗工具刷机、解锁了。






MTK Brom Mode:
- Disable Auth
- Dump Preloader
- Crash Preloader
- Crash Preloader To Brom
- Samsung MTK Force Brom (DM)
- Samsung MTK Exit Brom
- Samsung MTK Rebuild PMT (DM)
- FRL-L22 Y9A Force Brom
- Reboot Meta
- Reboot AT Mode
- Reboot Factory Mode
- Reboot Fastboot Mode
- VIVO New SEC Read info (FM)
- Analyze MTKA DA
- Analyze Preloader
META Mode:
- Read Meta Info
- Read Part (META)
- Format Part (Meta)
- Write Part (Meta)
- DUMP NV Regions (META)
- Dump User area (Meta)
- Dump PGPT (Meta)
- EMMC Health Check (META)
- Factory Reset - META
- Factory Reset - META 2
- Gen FRP Reset PKG (META)
- Read NVRAM
- Wipe NVRAM
- Write NVRAM
- Unlock Network
Android Mode:
- Read ADB Info
- Read Fastboot Info
- Exit Fastboot Mode
- Xiaomi Enable Diag (ADB)
- Install APK (ADB)
- Disable the Payjoy APP (ADB)
- Generic ADB FRP Bypass
- Generic Fastboot Factory Reset
- Generic Fastboot FRP Wipe
- Wipe NVRAM_NVDATA (Fastboot)
- Extract Super IMG
- Extract OFP (MTK + QCOM)
- Extract Samsung ROM (MTK)
- Extract Huawei UPDATE (MTK)
- Extract OnePlus ROM (.ops)
- Extract LG ROM (.kdz)
- Extract RedMagic (payload.bin)
Extra Features:
- Samsung Reboot to Download Mode
- Samsung Read Info Download Mode
- Samsung Factory Reset (MTP)
- Samsung Activate ADB (MTP)
- Huawei Fastboot To Upgrade
- Huawei Normal To Upgrade
- VIVO Demo Remove (AT)
- VIVO Demo Remove (MT6877T)
- PGPT to Scatter
- Scatter to PGPT


  • MT6572
  • MT6580
  • MT6582
  • MT6592
  • MT6595
  • MT6735
  • MT6737
  • MT6739
  • MT6753
  • MT6755
  • MT6750
  • MT6750M
  • MT6750T
  • MT6750S
  • MT6757
  • MT6761
  • MT6762
  • MT3369
  • MT8766B
  • MT6763
  • MT6765
  • MT6768
  • MT6771
  • MT6779
  • MT6785
  • MT6795
  • MT6797
  • MT8127
  • MT8163
  • MT8516
  • MT8173
  • MT8695
  • MT6873
  • MT6799
  • MT8590
  • MT6781
  • MT6768
  • MT6883  
  • MT6885  
  • MT6889  
  • MT6833
  • MT6853
  • MT6853V
  • MT6873 
  • MT6891Z
  • MT6893
  • MT8765WB
  • MT8385
  • MT8183
  • MT8666



Android Utility PRO (AUP) – [v122.00.2022:11:11:2023] :
⦿~ added MTK create BOOT region for JTAG [BOOT1,BOOT2 – LUN0,LUN1); (DUMP) from preloader file.
⦿~ added Samsung Galaxy A13 (SM-A137F) BIT 3 (Force/Exit) BROM.
⦿~ added Samsung Galaxy A34 (SM-A346B) BIT 4 (Force/Exit) BROM.
⦿~ added Samsung Galaxy A34 (SM-A346E) BIT 4 (Force/Exit) BROM.
Android Utility – [v120.00.1810:10:10:2023]

Changelog :
⦿ added Samsung Read (Secuity Patch Level) & (Android version) via Download Mode.
⦿ added OPPO MT6771 Force BROM mode from (PRELOADER/USB SERIAL DEVICE – {0x22d9, 0x0006}) mode for the following models:
– Oppo F7 (CPH1819, CPH1821, CPH1821EX)
– Oppo F7 Youth (CPH1859)
– Oppo (F9/F9 Pro) (CPH1823, CPH1881, CPH1825)
– Oppo R15 (PACM00, CPH1835, PACT00, PAAT00)
– Oppo A3 (PADM00, CPH1837, PADT00)
– Oppo A7x (PBBM00, PBBT00)
– Oppo Realme 1 (CPH1859, CPH1861)
– Oppo Realme 3 (RMX1821)
⦿ you can Exit BROM mode by restoring the created EMI backup using (WRITE_BOOT_SECTION) option.
Android Utility v112
Added MediaTek scatter flashing using Fastboot mode. [BL Unlock Required].
Enabled the Fastboot (oem CDMs) procedure to repair dm verification after Xiaomi flashed the stock ROM using fastboot.
Add Fastboot (oem CDMS) option to correct dm-verify on every Fix Xiaomi Flasher Fastboot (MTK QLM) is now compatible with (.gz, .tgz, .bat, .txt, .xml) flashing.
Enabled Xiaomi to set the active Boot Slot according to the flash script following Xiaomi flashing stock ROMs using fastboot.
Added MediaTek fix for Unknown Baseband through BootROM mode (MODEM Re-init).
Added MediaTek fix for Unknown Baseband via Fastboot mode (BL Unlock required[BL Unlock Required].
Added MediaTek Backup NV (NVRAM and NVDATA) by using BootROM mode.
Addition of MediaTek format NV (NVRAM and NNVDATA) through Addition of MediaTek format NV (NVRAM and NNVDATA) through Fastboot mode (BL Unlock required].
Addition of MediaTek restores NV (NVRAM and NVDATA) backup using BootROM mode.
MediaTek restores (NVRAM and NVMDATA) backup in Fastboot mode with BL unlock required.
Added Samsung MTK preloader repair with (BL.TAR) file through BootROM mode.
Added Samsung MTK PGPT(PMT/PIT) repair using the (BL.TAR) file in BootROM mode.
Addition of Samsung UNISOC uploader repair using (BL.TAR) file through the SPRD BootROM Mode.
A few improvements were made to Samsung MTK the TAR ROM. These improvements were made to scatter the process for Samsung MTK BOOT Repair.
Fixed Samsung flasher (4 files) [Download Mode].
Fixed the activation of browsers by MTP (AOA 2.0) (open the custom URL/URI).
It restored the Realme Wireless test Assistant Repair feature.
Fixed to activate ADB through MTP using test mode (old devices) (sometimes, you’ll require repeating the procedure 2-8 times to get it right].
About Samsung (December 2022-2022 and 2023), NEW Security patches are scheduled to be released with the next release.
Android Utility – v111.00.1444:11:07:2023 :
Changelog :
* added load factory fastboot (Temp BL unlock) for HiSilicon Kirin 710F chipset :
– Huawei Enjoy 10 Plus (STK-AL00)
– Huawei Enjoy 10 Plus (STK-TL00)
– Huawei P Smart Z (STK-LX1)
– Huawei Y9 Prime (2019) (STK-L21M)
– Huawei Y9s (STK-L21)
– Huawei Y9s (STK-L22)
– Huawei Y9s (STK-LX3)
– Huawei Honor 30i (LRA-LX1)
– Huawei Honor 9X (HLK-AL00)
– Huawei Honor Play 3 (ASK-AL00x)
– Huawei P Smart 2020 (FIG-LX1)
– Huawei P Smart Pro 2018 (POT-LX1)
– Huawei P40 lite E (ART-L28)
– Huawei P40 lite E (ART-L29)
– Huawei P40 lite E (ART-L29N)
– Huawei Y7p (ART-L28)
– Huawei Y7p (ART-L29)
– Huawei Y8p (AQM-LX1)
– Huawei P Smart S (AQM-LX1)
– Huawei Enjoy 10s (AQM-AL00)
– Huawei Enjoy 10s (AQM-TL00)
– Huawei Nova 5i (GLK-LX1)
– Huawei Nova 5i (GLK-LX2)
– Huawei Nova 5i (GLK-LX3)
– Huawei Nova 5i (GLK-LX1U)
– Huawei Nova 5i (GLK-AL00)
– Huawei Nova 5i (GLK-TL00)
– Huawei Honor 20 lite (China) (LRA-AL00)
– Huawei Honor 20 lite (China) (LRA-TL00)
– Huawei Honor 9X Lite (JSN-L21)
– Huawei Honor 9X Lite (JSN-L22)
– Huawei Honor 9X Lite (JSN-L23)

@ Tetsed on (STK-L21MDV

* Lot of improvement applied to (HiSilicon TEMP BL Unlock via USB1.0) procedure.
* Lot of improvement applied to (Activate Browser via MTP) procedure.
* Lot of improvement applied to (Huawei UPDATE.APP to [xml/scatter] FW) procedure.
* Lot of improvement applied to (Samsung Activate ADB via MTP – test mode) procedure.
@ Tetsed on (Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (SM-G998U) & Samsung Galaxy A02 (SM-A022F) – latest SEC),
to perform the operation smoothly, you need to use both options (Samsung Activate ADB (MTP) & Samsung Activate ADB New SEC (MTP)).

* added Samsung Galaxy A03 A035F U4 (A035FXXU4CWF3) dead boot repair via USB.
* added Samsung Galaxy A03-LA A035M S3 dead boot repair via USB.

* Samsung Galaxy A03 Core A032M Latin American version boot repair will be added in the upcoming version.
* Samsung Enable ADB via MTP (2023 SEC Patches) will be added in the upcoming version.
* Samsung Download mode safe factory reset will be added in the upcoming version.
* Huawei HiSilicon Kirin 710A chipset temp BL unlock will be added in the upcoming version.
Android Utility v109.00.1282:08:06:2023 Changelog :
- added Android Activate Browser via MTP (YouTube - Google Maps - Custom URL), AUTO without (VID and PID),
supports all Android brands such as [Samsung,Xiaomi,OPPO,OnePlus,Huawei,Nokia,Vivo,Motorola,Realme,Micromax,Lava,HTC,ASUS,Honor,Lenovo,Alcatel,MEIZU,Tecno,ZTE,Karbonn,Motorola,TCL],
(Even if device doesn't show in device manager).
- Added Samsung UniSoC Clear RPMB via BootROM mode for the following models (SM-A035F, SM-A035F/DS, SM-A035M, SM-A035G, SM-A032F, SM-A032F/DS, SM-A032M),
RPMB write times are limited and risky, and it will reset the Write counter, so please pay attention to the RPMB counter (the tool will show counter in logs).
- Fixed Samsung Galaxy A03 Core (SM-A032M) [Latin America version] Boot Repair via USB.
- Improved MTK (eMMC/UFS) IC health detection for all MediaTek 64bit based chipsets.
- Fixed Samsung new security (2023) activate ADB via MTP.
- Some optimization applied regarding (.KDZ/.APP/.OPS/SAM.TAR/.PAC/.OFP) firmware extractors.
- This software was made for educational purposes only,
we allow the use of it under certain circumstances & it’s provided 'as-is',
without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software,
please only use for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones,
Android Utility v108.00.1264:07:06:2023 Changelog :
- added Android (Launch/Activate) Browser via MTP - [Qualcomm, MTK, UNISOC], (Xiaomi | Samsung | Vivo | Realme | Oneplus | OPPO | Tecno | Infinix), [All Android Devices].
- added Android (Launch/Activate) Browser via MTP by (VID and PID) [you can get your device Vendor-ID and Product-ID from device manager or using libusb-win32-devel-filter-]
- Fixed Xiaomi Fastboot flasher (.bat - tar.gz - tar.tgz).
- This software was made for educational purposes only,
Android Utility v107.00.1248:06:06:2023 Changelog :
- added Samsung (Launch/Activate) Browser via MTP (No need to disable driver signature or install any drivers, without UsbDK or WinUSB), other brands such as VIVO and other Android devices which have the MTP port will be added in the next version.
- added Huawei HiSilicon partition manager (memory tool) from Fastboot mode (Read, Write, Format) partitions via Fastboot mode - [BL unlock required],
both (eMMC/UFS) memory types are supported for firmware backup procedure.
- added Xiaomi POCO M4 Pro 5G (Evergreen) Bootloader Unlock on (Evergo) ROM.
- added Samsung Galaxy A14 5G [SM-A146U] (Force/Exit) BootROM mode.
- This software was made for educational purposes only,
Android Utility V106:22.05.2023

* Changelog :
– added Samsung Galaxy (A03) [SM-A035M] (all bits) (Latin America variant) one click dead boot repair via USB.
– added Samsung Galaxy (A03 Core) [SM-A032M] (all bits) (Latin America variant) one click dead boot repair via USB.
– added Samsung Galaxy (A03/A03 Core) [SM-A035F/SM-A035G/SM-A032F] (all bits – up to U3) (international) one click dead boot repair via USB (new method, BIT 3 included).
– Added Samsung (UniSoC) generic dead boot repair procedure via USB (BETA) for the following models,
(need to use (BL) from compatible firmware in oder to complete the repair process) :
– Samsung SM-T509 Galaxy Tab A7 10.4
– Samsung SM-X200 Galaxy Tab A8 2021
– Samsung SM-X205 Galaxy Tab A8 2021
– Samsung SM-X205C Galaxy Tab A8 2021
– Samsung SM-X205N Galaxy Tab A8 2021
* Some devices won’t require eMMC re-partitioning, you can tick (Skip eMMC PMT rebuild) CheckBox to skip IC re-partitioning.
* Added (Huawei/Honor) HiSilicon temp BL unlock (Factory Fastboot) [BETA] for the following SoCs :
– KIRIN620
– KIRIN650
– KIRIN655
– KIRIN658
– KIRIN659
– KIRIN710
– KIRIN910
– KIRIN920
– KIRIN925
– KIRIN930
– KIRIN935
– KIRIN950
– KIRIN955
– KIRIN960
– KIRIN970
– KIRIN980
*** The rest of HiSilicon 5G SoCs such as (810, 985, 990) will be added into the premium tool later.
* Added (eMMC/UFS) dump extractor to raw images, dumps can be extracted with 7zip as well,
but UFS ones won’t be extracted (EFI block size is 4096, different from the previously used one in eMMC (512) – not updated to 7zip yet),
now you can easily extract (EASY JTAG, UFI) UFS dumps with our software.
to inject some partitions from the dumps example partitions could be useful to extract from dumps [OEMINFO, oppo_cusrom, nvram, nvdata] for any purposes.
– Fixed (Huawei/Honor) Qualcomm UFS firmware extractor (UPDATE.APP) to (rawprogram[x].xml),
previously the software creates an XML containing the (APPs) partitions only and skips some partitions which couldn’t be found inside the factory package,
such as (bootfail_info, persist, oeminfo, modem NV partitions), this might cause (device verification failed issue), now the preducre is revised,
and the software extracts all partitions and creates a semi-factory XML according to GPT partitions from APP file).
– (Huawei/Honor) board firmware flashing revised and fixed.
*** Now the software can extract (UPDATE.APP) to (XML files for QUALCOMM CPU and scatter for MTK CPU).
– Fixed Samsung flashing issues (Download mode).
* This software was made for educational purposes only,
we allow the use of it under certain circumstances & it’s provided ‘as-is’,
without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software,
please only use for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones,
and must not be used for illegal purposes.
* USE it at your own risk.
Android Utility V104:26.04.2023 
* Changelog :
- Added MTK one click disable DM-Verity corruption after Unlock Bootloader.
- Added Xiaomi (.bat) firmware flashing from Fatsboot mode (QCOM/MTK) - [BL unlock required].

Added Samsung MTK Dynamic Boot Repair procedure for the following models :
- SM-A125U1_ACG_A125U1UES1AUF2_fac
- SM-A125U1_PCT_A125U1UES2BUL1_fac
- SM-A125U1_PCT_A125U1UES3BVE1_fac
- SM-A125U_AIO_A125USQS3BVD6_fac
- SM-A125U_USC_A125USQU2BUL1_fac
- SM-A125U_VZW_A125USQS1AUEA_fac
- SM-A125F_VFJ_A125FXXS2BVE3_fac
- SM-A136U1_ACG_A136U1UES1AVD2
Unpack (Samsung.MTK.Dyn.Boot.Repair.rar), 
the file contains (scatter+preloader for each model of the list devices above) - 
Convert scatter to PGPT using AndroidUtility Tool -
Write PGPT.bin as (USER Section) & PRELOADER as (Boot Section) - 
for eMMC types, for UFS devices use PGPT.bin from SAMGPT folder.

- This software was made for educational purposes only,
we allow the use of it under certain circumstances & it’s provided 'as-is', 
without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software, 
please only use for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones, 
and must not be used for illegal purposes.
- USE it at your own risk.
Android Utility v103:11:04:2023
- added Samsung flashing [download mode] (single & multiple TAR ROMs, ordinary raw images + lz4 images flashing is supported - stable speed with prefect ODIN protocol implantation).
- added MediaTek disable (Orange state) message.
- added MediaTek re-enable (Orange state) message.
- added Xiaomi MediaTek disable OTA updates.
- added Xiaomi MediaTek re-enable OTA updates.
- added change Android boot slot (A/B) from fastboot mode.
- added ADB reboot to recovery mode.

- added Redmi Note (11/11T) 5G (evergo) one click Bootloader (Unlock/Relock) (All Variants) (MIUI12, MIUI13, MIUI14) - BETA.
(evergreen) will be added in the upcoming version, and we'll re-verify (evergo) function as well.

- This software was made for educational purposes only,
we allow the use of it under certain circumstances & it’s provided 'as-is', 
without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software, 
please only use for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones, 
and must not be used for illegal purposes.
Android Utility V101:01.04.2023 :
- Added (Huawei/Honor) [MTK & Hisilicon & Qualcomm] Board Firmware flash in fastboot mode (BL unlock required).
- Added Samsung Galaxy (Grand/J2) prime+ [G532F] one click Dead boot repair via USB [BROM & PRELOADER].
- Fixed (Xiaomi 11i 5G / Note 11 Pro+ 5G - [Pissarro] - [CN, EU]), bricked after Unlock BL, you can re-Lock BL now to restore the device to original status. (Flash Global FW any MIUI VER) and repeat Unlock BL process.
- This software was made for educational purposes only,
we allow the use of it under certain circumstances & it’s provided 'as-is',
without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software,
please only use for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones,
and must not be used for illegal purposes.
MTK META Utility V93

MTK META Utility V93:09.03.2023 :
– Added Xiaomi 11T (agate) Unlock Bootloader (All Variants) (MIUI12, MIUI13, MIUI14).
– Added new OPPO META Reset option to support :
* Oppo F5 (CPH1723, CPH1727, CHP1723, CHP1727).
* Oppo F5 Youth (CPH1725).
* Oppo A83 Pro (MT6763T).
* Oppo A1 (MT6763T).
* Oppo A83 (CPH1729, CPH1827).
* Oppo A73 (CPH2099).
* Oppo A79 (PBBM00).
– Added new boot repair function for (A037F B1 & B2) – In case if BROM mode forced via (PGPT method), and the device have [SEC CTRL STATUS (0)] flag, the device should be recognized by PC,
at least (preloader port visible), or PMIC detects USB cable.
– This version packed without my personal LOG folder to save time while extraction.
– META Protocol updated (overall optimizations & improvements).
– This software was made for educational purposes only,
we allow the use of it under certain circumstances & it’s provided ‘as-is’,
without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software,
please only use for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones,
and must not be used for illegal purposes.
– USE it at your own risk.
MTK META Utility V85:08.02.2023 :
* New Features & Enhancements :
– Added Huawei USB Firmware update (Dload/Upgrade mode), with super speed (20-38 MB/s).
– HiSilicon & Qualcomm & MTK and all SoC types are supported,
both old & new devices are supported (EMUI 3.x to EMUI 10.x & Magic 3.x).
– Support all Huawei update types ([single APP] & [APP+CUST] & [APP+CUST+PRELOAD] & [APP+CUST+PRELOAD+PTABLES]).
– Load all sub update files (6 or less) with one click (smart firmware loader).
– 2 protocols were implemented (Fast Download protocol by default + old algorithm (a little bit slow))..
– Huawei MTK devices are now supported for META mode operation ([Board/Debug] SW mode required).
– Added Fast-boot Flash partition option (BL unlocked [kernel/debug] mode required).
– Fixed Huawei switch from normal mode to upgrade mode.
– Improved Huawei switch from Fastboot mode to upgrade mode procedure.
– Spreadtrum/UNISOC .PAC flashing option optimized.
– MTK IC health check operation now support UFS IC’s (auto-detection),
we have implemented deep check functions to detect the real eMMC/UFS health info by DA mode,
(it works even with Dead DRAM now).
– This software was made for educational purposes only.
– We allow the use of this software under certain circumstances.
– This software is provided ‘as-is’, without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software,
please only use for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones,
and must not be used for illegal purposes.
– USE it at your own risk.
MTK META Utility V82
* New Features & Enhancements :
- Fixed (Spreadtrum/UNISoC) firmware (.pac) flashing via BootROM mode (SPRD U2S Diag).
- R/W operations moved to pure Asynchronous IO mode.
- Now you can get the maximum possible Dl speed for flashing.
- Restored some of the removed functions.
- Added Device Manager button.
- Added Task Manager button.
- Added Reboot PC button.
- Added ADB reboot to Fastboot.
- Added ADB reboot to EDL (Bootloader unlocked or [EngROM/Board software mode]) & for the devices with Android V5.0 and lower (No G-OEM).
$ This software was made for educational purposes only. 
& We allow the use of this software under certain circumstances.
- Therefore, this software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software, 
please only use for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones, 
and must not be used for illegal purposes.
- USE it at your own risk.
MTK META Utility V75 :
& Release date - 29.12.2022.
* New Features and Enhancements :
- Added Samsung Galaxy A03 Core SM-A032F (BIT2) dead boot repair via (USB),
no need (JTAG/ISP/DEBUG PAC), just one click.
- Recommended version to flash after repair (A032FXXS2AVJ2).
- Unlock and Relock Bootloader options activated.
- Samsung Galaxy A035M coming soon.
$ This software was made for educational purposes only.
- We allow the use of this software under certain circumstances.
- Therefore, this software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software, 
please only use for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones, 
and must not be used for illegal purposes.
- USE it at your own risk.
MTK META Utility V52 :
- I noticed a lot of people strangling to unlock bootloader for this model (Redmi 6A (cactus)).
- Added Permanent Bootloader Unlock for Redmi 6A (cactus).
- Note : The Bootloader will be permanently unlocked after performing this operation, the reason is we enable eMMC permanent write protect flag to SECCFG area using the MTK CPU and SBrom Crypto driver to prevent BL re-lock after boot-up.
- We set a small check flag to ensure the device model is (Redmi 6A) the method is risky, so please try to operate with any different model code.
- Added eMMC/UFS health check from BootROM mode.
- The method uses DA setup handler to init the IC and dump
- life_time_est_a
- life_time_est_b
- pre_eol_info
- eMMC/UFS check statically implemented in the DA as well to detect HW faults, could work even in dead DRAM case
& please don't try to operate this method with non-original OEM devices such as Infinix/Tecno, the device might stuck at brom mode after health check and will need to disconnect battery to get brom mode working again.
- Added Dump and parse EXT_CSD registers via BootROM mode (implanted in eMMC/UFS health check function).
- Added Huawei Y9A FRL-L22 Force BRom mode from Upgrade Mode.
- Added Huawei Y9A FRL-L22 Exit BRom mode.
- Fixed VIVO New security (MT6768-MT6833P-MT6853) Read Info only from preloader mode.
$ - This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
- USE it at your own risk.
MTK META Utility V51 :
- Added Samsung force/exit from for the following models :
- Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite BIT 1 (UL2) :
SM-T225, SM-T220, SM-T225N (MediaTek MT8768T Helio P22T).
* Please don't try to operate this function for these types below :
- Devices with KG (Locked/Active).
- Devices with (sec CTRL status (0)).
- Devices which ends with DL TFN (Tracfone WS carrier)
- If your device isn't supported, just download suitable firmware and extract it with MTK META utility, then add the extracted preloader file into SAMEI folder.
- I guess you all know my next task.
$ - This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
- USE it at your own risk.
MTK META Utility V50:
I noticed some people corrupted UFS_LU0/EMMC_BOOT1 while trying to exit Brom by other tools [They're writing preloader to offset 0x0 instead of (0x1000/0x800)] - WRONG, here is the solution to Exit BootROM for this type.
- Added ability to write (EMMC BOOT1/UFS LU0) via BootROM.
- If you tried to write it as memory using SPFT, you will get (status sec write data not allowed (0xC002000C), but now you can write it easily with MTK META Utility.
- Note: you can write LU1/BOOT2 instead of LU0/BOOT1, it's just a second copy of the preloader (Backup region) same as (A/B) Fs - needed for this cases.
- Increased USB wait timeout to 400000 milliseconds (6.5 minutes).
Do you guys need to force Brom from Download Mode for these devices? Or it's too old:
- Samsung Galaxy J7+ - MT6757
- Samsung Galaxy J7 Max - MT6757
- Samsung Galaxy On Max - MT6757
- Samsung Grand Prime+ - MT6737T
- Samsung Galaxy J2 Ace - MT6737T
- Samsung Galaxy J2 Prime - MT6737T
- Samsung Galaxy C7 (2017) - MT6757
- Samsung Galaxy J7 Max - SM-G615F - MT6757
- Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Plus - SM-G532F - MT6737T
$ - This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
 In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. 
- USE it at your own risk.
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